Five Tips For The Perfect Lawn Sprinkler System

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If you've made the decision to install a sprinkler system, make sure that the system you design can meet all of your landscape's needs.

1. Water Only Plants

One way to waste money on landscape watering is to over-simplify the sprinkler layout so that sidewalks, patios, and other areas without plants are getting doused. This issue often occurs when people try to save money by opting for emitters with a large watering range so that fewer can be installed. Instead, spend a few extra dollars at installation for the right sprinkler heads and you will save much more money in the long run by not wasting water.

2. Zone Appropriately

Zoning appropriately means setting up the various sprinkler zones so that they match the microclimates and plant watering needs in your yard. Areas in the shade where plants with moderate water needs are growing should be set on a different zone than sunny areas with plants that have high water needs, for example. By zoning appropriately, you can adjust the watering frequency and duration to better suit the landscape in each zone separately.

3. Get Smart Programming

In the old days, you had to go out to the sprinkler panel, typically located in the garage, to make any adjustments to your watering schedule. With a more modern smart system, you can control your sprinklers right from your phone or computer. This means you can shut down the system even when you aren't home if a big storm comes in and you want to skip watering the lawn.

4. Use Different Emitters

Another mistake to avoid is using the same type of emitters all throughout your landscape. Instead, choose emitters that suit what you are watering. Large swaths of lawn are best served by rotary or spray emitters, for example, while shrubs and and border plantings are better served by drip emitters that only wet the soil. Your installer can help you determine which emitters are best suited to each area of your yard.

5. Invest In Moisture Meters

A moisture meter is a device that is inserted into the soil so that it can read the moisture level at different depths. There are versions of moisture meters that can hook directly into your sprinkler system. This way you don't have to set a water schedule; the sprinklers will simply run when moisture levels drop to a certain point. You can even use a separate meter for each zone of the system.

Contact a sprinkler system installation service for more help with designing the perfect system.
